Monday, January 20, 2014


I have heard several talks, several stories both written and spoken, that leaves one sad and broken. Child abuse has become a major issue in Nigeria.  You hear of a child of 3 year old molested by a man of 60, and then you wonder what the world is turning into. What exactly is happening in Nigeria? What do these men see in this horror act they engage in? It’s hard to understand what goes through their mind at the thought of defiling a child. Today, for every time you flip the pages of a newspaper there is always a story of child molestation or even older women been raped.
            Every African woman is subjected to a lot, she carries a lot of burden, yet some still do her evil. Women need to speak up! If you have been a victim- speak up; save someone. You just may be lending a hand and a word of encouragement to someone. When you share your experience you release yourself from a burden.
Lend your voice to this cause, let’s all join hands with the Eve’s World team in creating awareness and make a difference.
Protect yourselves, educate your daughters and may God guide us all.     


-          Tolulope Fasanya

1 comment:

  1. The world is changing fast.
    I believe we should interact more wit our daughters & educate them abt sex.
    We shouldn't entrust our little girls to men cos u never can tell the kind of demon they have in them.
